Monday, February 27, 2017

Configuring Raspberry Pi as Bluetooth speaker

Let's say you have a rad stereo system in your house. Maybe you even have an aux cable you use to play music from your phone or laptop. What if you want to be able to control the stereo over Bluetooth? While I'm sure there are other options, I decided to use a raspberry pi 3 and a Hifiberry DAC+. The normal audio out on the raspberry pi is really quite awful, so the DAC+ is necessary if you want to play any sort of high quality sound.

Configuring the device to play sound over Bluetooth is not as straight forward as on your laptop. The purpose of this post is to put all the necessary resources for going about this in one place. I spent about 40 minutes digging around forums before I found an explanation that worked for me. 

The first thing you're going to want to do is configure the Bluetooth on your Raspberry Pi 3 to be able to play audio. User `dlech` has a great tutorial on getting this to work on this github page. Basically you have to install `PulseAudio`, replace a few configuration files, create a PulseAudio service, and then connect to the device from which you want to play music. 

Next, you have to configure the DAC+. This article explains how to replace the default audio out with the newly installed DAC+ board. 

In summary:

- Play audio over bluetooth: Here
- Configure DAC+ board: Here