Monday, June 22, 2015


Yesterday I biked from Moab to a town called Naturita in colorful Colorado. It was a 75 mile ride or so, and I think I did about 4000 ft of climbing. It was a super hard ride. I didn't know where or when the climbs would end, and it was the 12th day in a row of biking. About 60 miles in, I lost sight of the adventure. I was cursing the wind, mother nature, and myself for being so stupid as to bike across the goddamn fucking shit stupid US of A. I did make it to Naturita, after cruising up the last little rise at 4.5 mph. A rest day was definitely in order.

Instead of getting up at 5:45, I got up at 6:15 and Tom and I ate a leisurely breakfast. Tom had bought a piece of salmon the previous day, and we saved part of it so we could eat it with eggs and cream cheese for breakfast. I don't know if I really agree with how he cooks plain old salmon (he may overcook it), but breakfast today sure tasted good. After tomorrow, I'll be back to eating oatmeal and peanut butter for breakfast. It pays to have someone with a car and a cooler on a ride like this. After breakfast, Tom and I drove to Telluride, CO to visit Tom's cousin Steve. Telluride is a nice place. Lots of cute shops and nice places to eat. I got a dope burrito. The town has an interesting dynamic. On one hand, there are people like Steve, who own beautiful (second) houses. On the other hand, there are plenty of people may age who spend time there just so they can scrape enough money together to be able to ski or mountain bike. Without spending more time there, it's hard to ascertain how these different groups perceive and interact with each other. The town itself is gorgeous. It's situated in a deep valley surrounded by huge snow capped mountains. My first taste of real mountains. I'm super pumped to be able to slog up these suckers.

Tomorrow I roll out to Montrose, about an 85 mile ride. After that, I get back on good old 50 and head pretty much straight east to Pueblo. 

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